Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7 Read online

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  Nine VolumesVolume VII.


  LETTER I. Miss Howe to Clarissa.--Beseeches her to take comfort, and not despair. Is dreadfullyapprehensive of her own safety from Mr. Lovelace. An instruction tomothers.

  LETTER II. Clarissa To Miss Howe.--Averse as she is to appear in a court of justice against Lovelace, shewill consent to prosecute him, rather than Miss Howe shall live interror. Hopes she shall not despair: but doubts not, from so manyconcurrent circumstances, that the blow is given.

  LETTER III. IV. Lovelace to Belford.--Has no subject worth writing upon now he has lost his Clarissa. Half injest, half in earnest, [as usual with him when vexed or disappointed,] hedeplores the loss of her.--Humourous account of Lord M., of himself, andof his two cousins Montague. His Clarissa has made him eyeless andsenseless to every other beauty.

  LETTER V. VI. VII. VIII. From the same.--Lady Sarah Sadleir and Lady Betty Lawrance arrive, and engage Lord M. andhis two cousins Montague against him, on account of his treatment of thelady. His trial, as he calls it. After many altercations, they obtainhis consent that his two cousins should endeavour to engage Miss Howe toprevail upon Clarissa to accept of him, on his unfeigned repentance. Itis some pleasure to him, he however rakishly reflects, to observe howplacable the ladies of his family would have been, had they met with aLovelace. MARRIAGE, says he, with these women, is an atonement for theworst we can do to them; a true dramatic recompense. He makes severalother whimsical, but characteristic observations, some of which may serveas cautions and warnings to the sex.

  LETTER IX. Miss Howe to Clarissa.--Has had a visit from the two Miss Montague's. Their errand. Advises herto marry Lovelace. Reasons for her advice.

  LETTER X. Miss Howe to Clarissa.--Chides her with friendly impatience for not answering her letter.Re-urges her to marry Lovelace, and instantly to put herself under LadyBetty's protection.

  LETTER XI. Miss Howe to Miss Montague.--In a phrensy of her soul, writes to her to demand news of her belovedfriend, spirited away, as she apprehends, by the base arts of theblackest of men.

  LETTER XII. Lovelace to Belford.--The suffering innocent arrested and confined, by the execrable woman, ina sham action. He curses himself, and all his plots and contrivances.Conjures him to fly to her, and clear him of this low, this dirtyvillany; to set her free without conditions; and assure her, that he willnever molest her more. Horribly execrates the diabolical women, whothought to make themselves a merit with him by this abominable insult.

  LETTER XIII. XIV. Miss Montague to Miss Howe,with the particulars of all that has happened to the lady.--Mr. Lovelacethe most miserable of men. Reflections on libertines. She, her sister,Lady Betty, Lady Sarah, Lord M., and Lovelace himself, all sign lettersto Miss Howe, asserting his innocence of this horrid insult, andimploring her continued interest in his and their favour with Clarissa.

  LETTER XV. Belford to Lovelace.--Particulars of the vile arrest. Insolent visits of the wicked women toher. Her unexampled meekness and patience. Her fortitude. He admiresit, and prefers it to the false courage of men of their class.

  LETTER XVI. From the same.--Goes to the officer's house. A description of the horrid prison-room,and of the suffering lady on her knees in one corner of it. Her greatand moving behaviour. Breaks off, and sends away his letter, on purposeto harass him by suspense.

  LETTER XVII. Lovelace to Belford.--Curses him for his tormenting abruption. Clarissa never suffered halfwhat he suffers. That sex made to bear pain. Conjures him to hasten tohim the rest of his soul-harrowing intelligence.

  LETTER XVIII. Belford to Lovelace.--His farther proceedings. The lady returns to her lodgings at Smith's.Distinction between revenge and resentment in her character. Sends her,from the vile women, all her apparel, as Lovelace had desired.

  LETTER XIX. Belford to Lovelace.--Rejoices to find he can feel. Will endeavour from time to time to add tohis remorse. Insists upon his promise not to molest the lady.

  LETTER XX. From the same.--Describes her lodgings, and gives a character of the people, and of thegood widow Lovick. She is so ill, that they provide her an honest nurse,and send for Mr. Goddard, a worthy apothecary. Substance of a letter toMiss Howe, dictated by the lady.

  LETTER XXI. From the same.--Admitted to the lady's presence. What passed on the occasion. Reallybelieves that she still loves him. Has a reverence, and even a holy lovefor her. Astonished that Lovelace could hold his purposes against suchan angel of a woman. Condemns him for not timely exerting himself tosave her.

  LETTER XXII. From the same.--Dr. H. called in. Not having a single guinea to give him, she accepts ofthree from Mrs. Lovick on a diamond ring. Her dutiful reasons foradmitting the doctor's visit. His engaging and gentlemanly behaviour.She resolves to part with some of her richest apparel. Her reasons.

  LETTER XXIII. Lovelace to Belford.--Raves at him. For what. Rallies him, with his usual gayety, on severalpassages in his letters. Reasons why Clarissa's heart cannot be brokenby what she has suffered. Passionate girls easily subdued. Sedate oneshardly ever pardon. He has some retrograde motions: yet is in earnest tomarry Clarissa. Gravely concludes, that a person intending to marryshould never be a rake. His gay resolutions. Renews, however, hispromises not to molest her. A charming encouragement for a man ofintrigue, when a woman is known not to love her husband. Advantageswhich men have over women, when disappointed in love. He knows she willpermit him to make her amends, after she has plagued him heartily.

  LETTER XXIV. Miss Howe to Clarissa.--Is shocked at receiving a letter from her written by another hand.Tenderly consoles her, and inveighs against Lovelace. Re-urges her,however, to marry him. Her mother absolutely of her opinion. PraisesMr. Hickman's sister, who, with her Lord, had paid her a visit.

  LETTER XXV. Clarissa to Miss Howe.--Her condition greatly mended. In what particulars. Her mind begins tostrengthen; and she finds herself at times superior to her calamities.In what light she wishes her to think of her. Desires her to love herstill, but with a weaning love. She is not now what she was when theywere inseparable lovers. Their views must now be different.

  LETTER XXVI. Belford to Lovelace.--A consuming malady, and a consuming mistress, as in Belton's case,dreadful things to struggle with. Farther reflections on the life ofkeeping. The poor man afraid to enter into his own house. Belfordundertakes his cause. Instinct in brutes equivalent to natural affectionin men. Story of the ancient Sarmatians, and their slaves. Reflects onthe lives of rakes, and free-livers; and how ready they are in sicknessto run away from one another. Picture of a rake on a sick bed. Willmarry and desert them all.

  LETTER XXVII. From the same.--The lady parts with some of her laces. Instances of the worthiness ofDr. H. and Mr. Goddard. He severely reflects upon Lovelace.

  LETTER XXVIII. Lovelace to Belford.--Has an interview with Mr. Hickman. On what occasion. He endeavours todisconcert him, by assurance and ridicule; but finds him to behave withspirit.

  LETTER XXIX. From the same.--Rallies him on his intentional reformation. Ascribes the lady's illhealth entirely to the arrest, (in which, he says, he had no hand,) andto her relations' cruelty. Makes light of her selling her clothes andlaces. Touches upon Belton's case. Distinguishes between companionshipand friendship. How he purposes to rid Belton of his Thomasine and hercubs.

  LETTER XXX. Belford to Lovelace.--The lady has written to her sister, to obtain a revocation of he
rfather's malediction. Defends her parents. He pleads with the utmostearnestness to her for his friend.

  LETTER XXXI. From the same.--Can hardly forbear prostration to her. Tenders himself as her banker.Conversation on this subject. Admires her magnanimity. No wonder that avirtue so solidly based could baffle all his arts. Other instances ofher greatness of mind. Mr. Smith and his wife invite him, and beg of herto dine with them, it being their wedding day. Her affecting behaviouron the occasion. She briefly, and with her usual noble simplicity,relates to them the particulars of her life and misfortunes.

  LETTER XXXII. Lovelace to Belford.--Ridicules him on his address to the lady as her banker, and on hisaspirations and prostrations. Wants to come at letters she has written.Puts him upon engaging Mrs. Lovick to bring this about. Weight thatproselytes have with the good people that convert them. Reasons for it.He has hopes still of the lady's favour; and why. Never adored her somuch as now. Is about to go to a ball at Colonel Ambrose's. Who to bethere. Censures affectation and finery in the dress of men; andparticularly with a view to exalt himself, ridicules Belford on thissubject.

  LETTER XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII.Sharp letters that pass between Miss Howe and Arabella Harlowe.

  LETTER XXXVIII. Mrs. Harlowe to Mrs. Howe.--Sent with copies of the five foregoing letters.

  LETTER XXXIX. Mrs. Howe to Mrs. Harlowe. In answer.

  LETTER XL. Miss Howe to Clarissa.--Desires an answer to her former letters for her to communicate to MissMontague. Farther enforces her own and her mother's opinion, that sheshould marry Lovelace. Is obliged by her mother to go to a ball atColonel Ambrose's. Fervent professions of her friendly love.

  LETTER XLI. Clarissa to Miss Howe.--Her noble reasons for refusing Lovelace. Desires her to communicateextracts from this letter to the Ladies of his family.

  LETTER XLII. From the same.--Begs, for her sake, that she will forbear treating her relations withfreedom and asperity. Endeavours, in her usual dutiful manner, to defendtheir conduct towards her. Presses her to make Mr. Hickman happy.

  LETTER XLIII. Mrs. Norton to Clarissa.--Excuses her long silence. Her family, who were intending to favour her,incensed against her by means of Miss Howe's warm letters to her sister.

  LETTER XLIV. Clarissa to Mrs. Norton.--Is concerned that Miss Howe should write about her to her friends. Givesher a narrative of all that has befallen her since her last. Her trulychristian frame of mind. Makes reflections worthy of herself, upon herpresent situation, and upon her hopes, with regard to a happy futurity.

  LETTER XLV.Copy of Clarissa's humble letter to her sister, imploring the revocationof her father's heavy malediction.

  LETTER XLVI. Belford to Lovelace.--Defends the lady from the perverseness he (Lovelace) imputes to her onparting with some of her apparel. Poor Belton's miserable state both ofbody and mind. Observations on the friendship of libertines. Admiresthe noble simplicity, and natural ease and dignity of style, of thesacred books. Expatiates upon the pragmatical folly of man. Those whoknow least, the greatest scoffers.

  LETTER XLVII. From the same.--The lady parts with one of her best suits of clothes. Reflections uponsuch purchasers as take advantage of the necessities of theirfellow-creatures. Self an odious devil. A visible alteration in thelady for the worse. She gives him all Mr. Lovelace's letters. He(Belford) takes this opportunity to plead for him. Mr. Hickman comes tovisit her.

  LETTER XLVIII. From the same.--Breakfasts next morning with the lady and Mr. Hickman. His advantageousopinion of that gentleman. Censures the conceited pride andnarrow-mindedness of rakes and libertines. Tender and affecting partingbetween Mr. Hickman and the lady. Observations in praise of intellectualfriendship.

  LETTER XLIX. Miss Howe to Clarissa.--Has no notion of coldness in friendship. Is not a daughter of those whomshe so freely treats. Delays giving the desired negative to thesolicitation of the ladies of Lovelace's family; and why. Has beenexceedingly fluttered by the appearance of Lovelace at the ball given byColonel Ambrose. What passed on that occasion. Her mother and all theladies of their select acquaintance of opinion that she should accept ofhim.

  LETTER L. Clarissa. In answer.--Chides her for suspending the decisive negative. Were she sure sheshould live many years, she would not have Mr. Lovelace. Censures of theworld to be but of second regard with any body. Method as to devotionand exercise she was in when so cruelly arrested.

  LETTER LI. Clarissa to Miss Howe.--Designed to be communicated to Mr. Lovelace's relations.

  LETTER LII. LIII. Lovelace to Belford.--Two letters entirely characteristic yet intermingled with lessons andobservations not unworthy of a better character. He has great hopes fromMiss Howe's mediation in his favour. Picture of two rakes turnedHermits, in their penitentials.

  LETTER LIV. Miss Howe to Clarissa.--She now greatly approves of her rejection of Lovelace. Admires the nobleexample she has given her sex of a passion conquered. Is sorry she wroteto Arabella: but cannot imitate her in her self-accusations, andacquittals of others who are all in fault. Her notions of a husband'sprerogative. Hopes she is employing herself in penning down theparticulars of her tragical story. Use to be made of it to the advantageof her sex. Her mother earnest about it.

  LETTER LV. Miss Howe to Miss Montague.--With Clarissa's Letter, No. XLI. of this volume. Her own sentiments ofthe villanous treatment her beloved friend had met with from theirkinsman. Prays for vengeance upon him, if she do not recover.

  LETTER LVI. Mrs. Norton to Clarissa.--Acquaints her with some of their movements at Harlowe-place. Almostwishes she would marry the wicked man; and why. Useful reflections onwhat has befallen a young lady so universally beloved. Must try to moveher mother in her favour. But by what means, will not tell her, unlessshe succeed.

  LETTER LVII. Mrs. Norton to Mrs. Harlowe.

  LETTER LVIII. Mrs. Harlowe's affecting answer.

  LETTER LIX. Clarissa to Mrs. Norton.--Earnestly begs, for reasons equally generous and dutiful, that she may beleft to her own way of working with her relations. Has received hersister's answer to her letter, No. XLV. of this volume. She tries tofind an excuse for the severity of it, though greatly affected by it.Other affecting and dutiful reflections.

  LETTER LX. Her sister's cruel letter, mentioned in the preceding.

  LETTER LXI. Clarissa to Miss Howe.--Is pleased that she now at last approved of her rejecting Lovelace.Desires her to be comforted as to her. Promises that she will not runaway from life. Hopes she has already got above the shock given her bythe ill treatment she has met with from Lovelace. Has had an escape,rather than a loss. Impossible, were it not for the outrage, that shecould have been happy with him; and why. Sets in the most affecting, themost dutiful and generous lights, the grief of her father, mother, andother relations, on her account. Had begun the particulars of hertragical story; but would fain avoid proceeding with it; and why. Opensher design to make Mr. Belford her executor, and gives her reasons forit. Her father having withdrawn his malediction, she now has only a lastblessing to supplicate for.

  LETTER LXII. Clarissa to her sister.--Beseeching her, in the most humble and earnest manner, to procure her alast blessing.

  LETTER LXIII. Mrs. Norton to Clarissa.--Mr. Brand to be sent up to inquire after her way of life and health. Hispedantic character. Believes they will withhold any favour till theyhear his report. Doubts not that matters will soon take a happy turn.

  LETTER LXIV. Clarissa. In answer.--The grace she asks for is only a blessing to die with, not to live with.Their favour, if they design her any, may come too late. Doubts hermother can do nothing for her of herself. A strong confederacy against apoor girl, their daughter, sister, niece. Her brother perhaps got itrenewed before he went to Edinburgh. He needed not, says she: his workis done, and more than done.

  LETTER LXV. Lovelace to Belford.--Is mortified at receiving letters of rejection. Charlotte writes to thelady in his favour, in the name of all the family. Every body approvesof
what she has written; and he has great hopes from it.

  LETTER LXVI. Copy of Miss Montague's letter to Clarissa.--Beseeching her, in the names of all their noble family, to receiveLovelace to favour.

  LETTER LXVII. Belford to Lovelace.--Proposes to put Belton's sister into possession of Belton's house forhim. The lady visibly altered for the worse. Again insists upon hispromise not to molest her.

  LETTER LXVIII. Clarissa to Miss Montague.--In answer to her's, No. LXVI.

  LETTER LXIX. Belford to Lovelace.--Has just now received a letter from the lady, which he encloses,requesting extracts form the letters written to him by Mr. Lovelacewithin a particular period. The reasons which determine him to obligeher.

  LETTER LXX. Belford to Clarissa.--With the requested extracts; and a plea in his friend's favour.

  LETTER LXXI. Clarissa to Belford.--Thanks him for his communications. Requests that he will be herexecutor; and gives her reasons for her choice of him for that solemnoffice.

  LETTER LXXII. Belford to Clarissa.--His cheerful acceptance of the trust.

  LETTER LXXIII. Belford to Lovelace.--Brief account of the extracts delivered to the lady. Tells him of herappointing him her executor. The melancholy pleasure he shall have inthe perusal of her papers. Much more lively and affecting, says he, mustbe the style of those who write in the height of a present distress thanthe dry, narrative, unanimated style of a person relating difficultiessurmounted, can be.

  LETTER LXXIV. Arabella to Clarissa.--In answer to her letter, No. LXII., requesting a last blessing.

  LETTER LXXV. Clarissa to her mother.--Written in the fervour of her spirit, yet with the deepest humility, andon her knees, imploring her blessing, and her father's, as what willsprinkle comfort through her last hours.

  LETTER LXXVI. Miss Montague to Clarissa.--In reply to her's, No. LXVIII.--All their family love and admire her.Their kinsman has not one friend among them. Beseech her to oblige themwith the acceptance of an annuity, and the first payment now sent her, atleast till she can be put in possession of her own estate. This lettersigned by Lord M., Lady Sarah, Lady Betty, and her sister and self.

  LETTER LXXVII. Lovelace to Belford.--Raves against the lady for rejecting him; yet adores her the more for it.Has one half of the house to himself, and that the best; having forbidLord M. and the ladies to see him, in return for their forbidding him tosee them. Incensed against Belford for the extracts he has promised fromhis letters. Is piqued to death at her proud refusal of him. Curses thevile women, and their potions. But for these latter, the majesty of hervirtue, he says, would have saved her, as it did once before.

  LETTER LXXVIII. Lovelace to Belford.--He shall not, he tells him, be her executor. Nobody shall be any thingto her but himself. What a reprobation of a man, who was once so dear toher! Farther instances of his raving impatience.

  LETTER LXXIX. Lovelace to Clarissa.--A letter full of penitence, promises, praises, and admiration of hervirtue. Has no hopes of escaping from perdition but by her precepts andexample. All he begs for the present is a few lines to encourage him tohope for forgiveness, if he can justify his vows by his future conduct.

  LETTER LXXX. Clarissa to Lord M. and the ladies of the house.--Thankfully declines accepting of their offered bounty. Pleads for theirbeing reconciled to their kinsman, for reasons respecting her own peace.Hopes that they may be enabled to rejoice in the effects of hisreformation many years after she is laid low and forgotten.

  LETTER LXXXI. Belford to Lovelace.--Brief account of his expelling Thomasine, her sons, and her gallant.Farther reflections on keeping. A state not calculated for a sick bed.Gives a short journal of what had passed relating to the lady since hislast. Mr. Brand inquires after her character and behaviour of Mrs.Smith. His starchedness, conceit, and pedantry.

  LETTER LXXXII. From the same.--Farther particulars relating to the lady. Power left her by hergrandfather's will.

  LETTER LXXXIII. Clarissa to Lovelace.--In answer to his letter, No. LXXIX.

  LETTER LXXXIV. Her uncle Harlowe's cruel answer,in answer to her's to her mother, No. LXXV. Meditation stitched to itwith black silk.

  LETTER LXXXV. Clarissa to her uncle Harlowe. In reply.

